North Anston Surgery

Ante-Natal Clinic:

 Midwife, PCT Room 1, Wednesday 08:30 – 18:00

8 week Baby Checks:

GP/Nurse, Appointment only, Alternate Fridays

INR Clinic:

Monday, 14:00 – 16:30, Practice Nurse

Baby Clinic:

Health Visitors, PCT Room 1/2, Tuesday 13:30 – 14:30

Baby & Child Immunisations:

Tuesday, 14:00 – 15:30, Appointment only by letter


Monday – Friday, 08:30 – 10:30, Phlebotomist / Health Care Assistant

Minor Surgery:

Combined appointment with the GP and Practice Nurse


GPs refer patients for counselling and appointments will be made direct with patients by the Counselling Admin Assistant. Counselling sessions take place at the surgery on various days.


Patients referred by GP’s appointments on various days at the surgery.

Diabetes, Respiratory, CHD, CVD Clinics:

Held on various days run by the Practice Nurses patients are called by the practice.

Cryotherapy Appointments:

Family Planning Appointments and Services

 Blood Pressure Checks

You can book in with a Healthcare Asssistant for a BP check or use our BP machines at the surgery or our new Health Kiosk at Anston surgery